
Monday 21 September 2020

Danika's & Kayla's Camp experience Rm 7&8 2020


This is a slide presentation about my camp experience this year and how these events took place. Have you ever gone to this amazing camp? Would you go there?

Thursday 20 August 2020

News Paper blackout poem.

This week our class tried out an a thing called blog hop. Blog hop is where there are a few different activity's and you choose which activity you want then complete it and make a blog about it.
I found this challenging because I couldn't find a news paper that had the words I wanted. I also found it hard to black out on the device, only because I couldn't find the words and it didn't line up properly as you can see.
An easy part of this activity was choosing the words I wanted to keep.
 The instructions are very laid back so you should give it a go. Get some old or new news paper, find which piece you like and chose some words you like the sound of. Finlay define the words and black out the rest then post your work if you want.
Try it out it's super fun and turns out so amazing.
What do you think of my poem?

Monday 3 August 2020

How to make an Origami butterfly🦋

W.A.L.T write an effective procedure to explain how to make an origami butterfly.
Firstly I watched a you-tube video that explained how to make an origami butterfly then I made it myself. After that I made some instructions and added some pics of the journey. I had to go to Kapa Haka so I didn't add any backgrounds. It was challenging to explain how to do each steps. But some were harder than others to explain. I could've improved my layout and added some backgrounds. Have you ever made instructions for anyone else?
Have you ever tried to make an origami piece?

Monday 29 June 2020

Life as a Refugee

W.A.L.T create a animation about the brief life of a refugee or how you think the might feel.

I felt really bad for all of the refugees that had to experience so many tragic things that wasn't necessary.

It was quite tricky and got boring having to move the picture a little bit every time.

Making an animation is very repetitive so this took a while, hope you enjoy it.

How would you feel if you got kicked out of your own country and had to find somewhere to start a new life?

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Maori Myths and Legends. (Maui and the Giant Fish 🐟🐟🐟)

The criteria I was given for this task was to imagine that you were Maui and how Maui would have felt that night.
I had to write an email to a friend describing how it felt being in that situation. I completed this task with imagination (imagining how I would have felt in that situation as Maui.) I used description ( to make the audience feel like you were in the waka right next to me/Maui.)
I chose this task because I love prescriptive writing and writing in general. I also have a big crazy imagination so I thought this task would be exiting.

How would you feel if you were in the waka pulling in the north island of New Zealand?

Monday 4 May 2020

Maori Myths and Legends (How Maui Slowed the Sun)

The criteria I was given to complete this task was to create an advertisement to find someone to capture the sun if Maui couldn't. I needed to add the skills that they need, what I expect from them and I needed big bold writing to grab peoples attention. 
I created this poster with wit (to lighten the poster and make enjoyable to read.)  I created this poster with bold writing and a colorful picture ( to give everyone an idea of what it is that needs to be done and to make it easy to read.) 
I chose this slide because it interested me and I really like art and rhyming so I thought that it would be entertaining for me ( and it was). 
Do you think the days are long enough now?

Friday 20 March 2020

Haiku (beach)

W.A.L.T write a Haiku, a Haiku is a Japanese poetic form, with 17 syllables put in three lines 5-7-5.
It can be about anything.
You should try and make a Haiku but remember to use the rules above.

Concrete poem.🐴🐴

W.A.L.T  describe/write about the shape that we have chosen and write in it, as you can see I have chosen a horse, because I admire horses and you can see that in this poem.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Scene Poem Happiness and Nervousness.

W.A.L.T write sense poem that includes all of our scenes.
I found thinking of "happiness moves like"... hard to think of.
I felt like "happiness looks like" and "feels like" way less challenging to think of.
What does happiness feel like, look like, sound like, move like and smell like for you???

W.A.L.T write sense poem that includes all of our scenes.
I found thinking of nervousness looks like ... hard to think of.
I found thinking of nervous feels like... a lot less hard to think of.
What does Nervousness move like and or smell like to you???

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Danikas Kawa Of Care Poster.

W.A.L.T create a poster to prove that we can care for our Chromebooks.
I enjoyed using my creativity to make an interesting poster.
Remember to be cyber Smart.
Think to yourself what else you can do to stay safe on the internet???

Danikas Person Of The Future Poem.

W.A.L.T use creative langue and poetic devices to describe myself.
I found thinking of all I see, all I hear and all I think challenging to write down.
I enjoyed thinking of what I have from my family like my mums hair for example.
What do you hear around your house when you wake up, who in your family do you look like???

Danikas Autobiography Poem.

W.A.L.T write a poem that informs my audience about myself.

It was challenging to think hard about my life and my feelings.
Think to yourself, what am I scared of, what do I feel inside,what are my dreams and how can I achieve them???