
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Maori Myths and Legends. (Maui and the Giant Fish 🐟🐟🐟)

The criteria I was given for this task was to imagine that you were Maui and how Maui would have felt that night.
I had to write an email to a friend describing how it felt being in that situation. I completed this task with imagination (imagining how I would have felt in that situation as Maui.) I used description ( to make the audience feel like you were in the waka right next to me/Maui.)
I chose this task because I love prescriptive writing and writing in general. I also have a big crazy imagination so I thought this task would be exiting.

How would you feel if you were in the waka pulling in the north island of New Zealand?

Monday 4 May 2020

Maori Myths and Legends (How Maui Slowed the Sun)

The criteria I was given to complete this task was to create an advertisement to find someone to capture the sun if Maui couldn't. I needed to add the skills that they need, what I expect from them and I needed big bold writing to grab peoples attention. 
I created this poster with wit (to lighten the poster and make enjoyable to read.)  I created this poster with bold writing and a colorful picture ( to give everyone an idea of what it is that needs to be done and to make it easy to read.) 
I chose this slide because it interested me and I really like art and rhyming so I thought that it would be entertaining for me ( and it was). 
Do you think the days are long enough now?